Our Palliative Care Services
The Gippsland Region Palliative Care Consortium (GRPCC) is an alliance of 14 member agencies that provide inpatient and/or community palliative care for the residents of Gippsland. The GRPCC is one of eight regional consortia established as part of the Victorian Government’s palliative care policy released in 2004. The Consortium’s role is to help deliver and facilitate the Victorian Government’s current policy, ‘end of life care and palliative care framework 2016’, across the Gippsland region.
The Quickguide was designed for a wide variety of people working in the healthcare, human services, social and community sectors whose everyday work brings them into contact with people who have a life-limiting illness, as a ‘why, when and how’ of referral to specialist palliative care.
Palliative Care Referral Form
Gippsland Palliative Care Services Directory
Main Towns: Wonthaggi, Inverloch, Phillip Island
Address: 1 Back Beach Road San Remo Vic 3925
Phone: 03 5671 9219
Fax: 03 5678 5183
Website: www.basscoasthealth.org.au -
Main towns: Bairnsdale, Paynesville
Address: 122 Day Street Bairnsdale Vic 3875
Phone: 03 5150 3285
Fax: 03 5150 3299
Email: email@brhs.com.au
Website: www.brhs.com.au -
Main towns: Dargo, Rosedale, Sale, Seaspray and Stratford
Address: Community Services Building Guthridge Parade Sale Vic 3850
Phone: 03 5143 8600 (Reception)
Fax: 03 5143 8890
Email: enquiries@cghs.com.au
Website: www.cghs.com.au -
Main towns: Lakes Entrance, Bruthen, and Metung
Address: 18-28 Jemmeson Street Lakes Entrance Vic 3909
Phone: 03 5155 8380
Fax: 03 5155 2119
Email: contact@glch.org.au
Website: www.glch.org.au -
Main towns: Boolara, Churchill, Moe, Morwell, Traralgon, Tyers and Yinnar Address: 81-87 Buckley Street Morwell Vic 3840
Phone: 03 5136 5444 1800 242 696 (General information)
Fax: 03 51365449
Email: AmbulatoryCareAdministration@lchs.com.au
Website: www.lchs.com.au -
Main towns: Boolara, Churchill, Moe, Morwell, Traralgon, Tyers and Yinnar Address: 10 Village Ave, Traralgon VIC 3844
Phone: 03 5173 8000
Fax: 03 5173 8444
Website: www.lrh.com.au -
Address: 286 Maryvale Rd, Morwell VIC 3840
Phone: 03 5132 1200
Website: https://www.maryvaleph.com.au
Address: 29-39 Main Neerim Road, Neerim South VIC 3831
Phone: 03 5623 1226
Website: https://neerimhealth.org.au
Main town: Omeo
Address: 12 Easton St, Omeo Vic 3898 Phone: 03 51590100
Fax: 03 51590194
Website: www.odh.net.au -
Main town: Orbost
Address: 104-107 Boundary Rd Orbost Vic 3888
Phone: 03 5154 6684
Fax: 03 5154 6764 Website: www.orbostregionalhealth.com.au -
Main towns: Fish Creek, Korumburra, Leongatha, Meeniyan, Mirboo North and Foster
Address: Koonwarra Road Leongatha VIC 3953
Phone: 03 5667 5661
Fax: 03 5667 5535
Email: info@gshs.com.au
Website: www.gshs.com.au -
Main town: Foster
Address: 83-87 Station Road, Foster Vic 3960
Phone: 03 5683 9777
Fax: 03 5682 2178
Website: www.southgippslandhospital.org.au -
Main towns: Bunyip, Darnum, Drouin, Neerim, Rawson and Warragul Address: Landsborough Street Warragul Vic 3820
Phone: 03 5623 0627
Fax: 03 5623 0626
Email: Palliative.Care@wghg.com.au Website: www.wghg.com.au -
Main town: Yarram
Address: Devon Street Yarram Vic 3971 Phone: 03 5182 0262
Fax: 03 5182 6081
Email: ydhs@ydhs.com.au
Website: www.ydhs.com.au
Palliative Care Consultancy Gippsland (PCCG)
Palliative Care Consultancy Gippsland (PCCG), based at Latrobe Regional Hospital, provides specialist consultation to health professionals, palliative clients and their families/carers throughout the Gippsland region.
GRPCCS aims to support existing palliative care providers, not to replace existing community services. The team works collaboratively with local healthcare providers to ensure equity and access to specialist palliative care provision across the region.
Contact details
Monday-Friday 8am-4.30pm (closed public holidays)
Phone:(03)5173 8713 Fax: (03) 5173 8441 Email: Palliativecarecs@lrh.com.au
After-hours service: (03)5173 8000 and ask to be put through to the on-call physician. (for health care professionals only)
Referrals can be made for clients with a progressive life limiting illness requiring specialist input for:
complex symptom management and/or input regarding psychological issues
discussion of Goals Of Care to maintain quality of life and to maximise function and comfort, end of life care and/or advanced care planning
discussion of treatment options in collaboration with the client’s treating team on the basis of burden vs benefit, which can minimise investigations and procedures that offer no improvement in quality of life
therapeutic intervention to individuals and families needing end of life counselling
therapeutic intervention to those at risk of complex bereavement
Referrals can be accepted from any health professional via https://referral.gippsland.pal.care/ or email palliativecarecs@lrh.com.au
Social Work
The PCCG has a social work team to assist with consultations on cases where there are identified complex factors in the palliative care space, to facilitate supportive death debriefs/reflections or support/debrief conversations, provide region based social work peer support meetings and education, provide therapeutic bereavement counselling to those family members at risk of complicated grief and End-of-life therapeutic counselling to patients who are exhibiting high levels or emotional or existential distress.
Click here for more information on the PCCG social work service and for information on how to refer.
Palliative Care Advice Service
The Palliative Care Advice Service offers free, confidential advice for anyone who needs information about a life-limiting illness, palliative or end-of-life care.
This advice service is for everyone in Victoria and offers for non-emergency health advice only. If you need immediate medical attention, call 000 or go to your nearest emergency department.